In response to the question, “Do you have any suggestions about how to use a wah-wah?” Frank Zappa said this:
The first thing you don’t do is tap your foot on it in time with the music. The two basics are to locate a notch in the pedal so it gets a mid-range sustain that is tuned properly to the amp EQ that you have, so you get a nice boxy sound out of it to make all those stinkin’ tones that teenagers really go for, and the other thing is to move it very slightly and put most of the action in the rear half of the pedal, because that’s where you get most of the speaking type sounds out of it. When you push it right down and open the filter all the way up you get that squeaky sound, and I don’t like that. I like the middle range of the pedal. Don’t tilt it all the way forward or back, just work the middle of it. It only takes a very little foot movement to change the whole sound of your guitar.
The aim of this StinQ project is to “get a nice boxy sound out of it to make all those stinkin’ tones that teenagers really go for”.
This is based on the Dunlop Q Zone, a cocked wah effect.
The artwork is way better, as it was printed onto sticky photo paper and sealed with Envirotex Lite.